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The big three world-dominant Abrahamic tribalistic cults are of course the source of much/most of the toxic dramas now being dramatized on to the world stage in the collective lunatic asylum of the Middle East, and more specifically the so called "holy land".

Indeed it could be said that they are now engaged in a fight-to-the-death struggle for world domination or control. Each of them justifying their self-appointed-authority to do so via appeals to their ancient cultic/tribalistic "God".

All "God's" and "God"-ideas whether single (mono) or poly and either male or female in their naming are creations and projections of their collective tribalistic ego. The Abrahamic "god's" are of course all male in the naming, and are all to one degree or another hostile towards the Feminine Principle or female bodies, and thus by extension the natural world.

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