Differentiate the Brain-Mind from the Heart-Mind. It's comparable to differentiating the visual cortex from the audio cortex. Humans have the most dense and complex neural net we know of. This allows humans to imagine things with greater complexity and nuance than other species. The Brain-Mind is especially good at engineering things, other species don't have this capacity, it arrives with the discovery of Numbers. Humanity did not invent Numbers, they were discovered. The Heart-Mind is especially good at feeling into things, understanding things that are not immediately apparent. The Heart-Mind is possibly a hundred million years older than the Brain-Mind; yet, we are barely aware it exists these days. The trouble with the Heart-Mind is that it is inherently problematic: it's prone to deception, delusions, misconceptions, and malignant inflation. It requires a lifetime(s) of "taming", because it is like a puppy. If it isn't handled with a lot of love and attention it will grow to be a real mess. That's the problem with humanity. People wonder about the Soul. Earth is our Soul. Look what is happening to our Soul. Because the Brain-Mind is ignoring the essential need of the Heart-Mind.

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For me Daniel your writings and even the "readers digest"-newsletter it is a mouth of oxygen(or what is English expression for awesome -I am "hungry" :) for new and original info btw).

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